Wednesday, December 17, 2008

..:: i got my result n i...... ::..

i got my result...
xsngke sgt2 dapat gitu...
myb aku ltak hrapan tnggi sgt kowt...
hajat d hati nk dapat dekan...
tp xksampaian(ayat mizah)...

xtawu kat mne slap nyer..
tp hati tu agak hancur lah...
even pown mak n ayh mcm xkesa tp kat hati downg sape yg tawu kn...

ayh tu dh lah jenis yg xpnah puas...
die nk gak 4.00 xpown atleast dekan..
ble jd cam nieh..
xtawu nk bg tawu cm nerw..
even skunk nieh pown xbg tawu downg lg...

myb pd owg laen result 2 still ok..
tp x bg owg n ayh..

dunno else wat 2 say n thnk rite now..
im really down..
the result catch my mood away..
but i'll try 2 take it as a fate n try 2 accept it..
i have 2 be strong..
there's alot of work 2 do rite now..
my heritage race still in process..
theres alot more thng 2 do..
i have 2 put all those stupid feelng away n focus 2 my work...

wish me luck in my life...